☉ 1427AC/DC - The Jack
LRC歌词下载 She gave me the Queen
She gave me the King
She was wheelin´ and dealin´
Just doin´ her thing
She was holdin´ a pair
But I had to try
Her Deuce was wild
But my Ace was high
But how was I to know
That she´d been dealt with before
Said she´d never had a Full House
But I should have known
From the tattoo on her left leg
And the garter on her right
She´d have the card to bring me down
If she played it right
She´s got the Jack
Poker face was her name
Poker face was her nature
Poker straight was her game
If she knew she could get you
She play´d ´em fast
She play´d ´em hard
She could close her eyes
And feel every card
But how was I to know
That she´d been shuffled before
Said she´d never had a Royal Flush
But I should have known
That all the cards were comin´
From the bottom of the pack
And if I´d known what she was dealin´ out
I´d have dealt it back
She´s got the Jack