☉ 180金宝静 - Say something(1)
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Say something 说些什么吧
I'm giving up on you 我就要离开了
I'll be the one, if you want me to 其实只要你一句话,我便回头
Anywhere I would've followed you 曾经多远我都要和你在一起
Say something 不说些什么吗
I'm giving up on you 我真的快放弃了
And I am feeling so small 你眼中的我是如此渺小
It was over my head 这种感觉占据了我的脑海
I know nothing at all 我不明白
And I will stumble and fall 不知道能否跨过这道坎
I'm still learning to love 但我仍旧相信爱,继续爱
Just starting to crawl 仍旧会努力迈过去
Say something 相顾无言
I'm giving up on you 惟有泪千行
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you 若有知音见采
Anywhere I would've followed you 地角天涯未是长
Say something 无语凝噎
I'm giving up on you 相看泪眼
And I will swallow my pride 更那堪,摧心肝
You're the one that I love 情意似海深
And I'm saying goodbye 旧事如天远
Oh oh oh oh
Say something 话到嘴边,却怎么也说不出口
I'm giving up on you 快要放弃你了,还心心念念着你
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you 身不由己,话不由衷;对不起,不得已离开你
And anywhere I would've followed you 却发现一直爱着你
Oh oh oh oh
Say something I'm giving up on you 不知魂已断,空有梦相随
Say something I'm giving up on you 不知魂已断,空有梦相随
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you 天长地久有时尽
Anywhere I would've followed you 此情绵绵无绝期
Oh oh oh oh
Say something 泪眼问花花不语
I'm giving up on you 此情可待成追忆
Say something 泪眼问花花不语
I'm giving up on you 此情可待成追忆
Say something 泪眼问花花不语