☉ 693沈丹丹 - Tell Me Why
LRC歌词下载 沈丹丹 - Tell Me Why

Hey babe
Check it out
Kiss gonna cold out im wondering why
Everything morning u are just like my sunshine
Im wondering why no matter how hard I try
Loves over and time to say byebye
My sweet angel can u tell me why
When u come close I am losing my mind
Im wondering why no matter how hard I try
Wish u are here and by my side

爱情来的快 请不要轻易把爱说出来

爱让人发呆 你你你你你真的变的很唧歪
迷迷糊糊的无奈 就像傻瓜一样怪怪怪

Tell me why Tell me why
古里古怪唧唧歪歪 怎么样都想不明白

Tell me why Tell me why
闪电般的爱奇奇怪怪 来的快它去的也快

爱神他丫奇奇怪怪 红线不能随便乱拽
这个男孩该不该爱 没人能给我答案